GDPR Privacy Notice
Dyslexia Assessment Services
Rachel Robinson BSc (Hons), PGCE, NASENCO, PG Dip Dyslexia, APC (Patoss)
66 Boston Gardens, Brentford, TW8 9LP
Telephone: 07429081844
Who am I?
I am an independent specialist dyslexia teacher who advertises services as Brentford Dyslexia and owned by Rachel Robinson. I offer diagnostic assessments and tuition services to pupils aged 8 – 16 years old.
At Brentford Dyslexia we take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains the types of personal data that are collected, how it is stored, handled and kept safe. It also sets out your rights, how to get in contact and how to complain in the event you have a problem or complaint. By providing your personal data, you accept and consent to the practices described throughout this policy.
How and when information is collected
Information is collected to plan and provide an assessment or specialist support for an individual that the client has requested. This is collected via email and questionnaire in advance of the service provision, and by phone or face to face questioning during the assessment / tuition. Further clarification information by phone or email maybe requested after the assessment date.
Types of data we collect
Protecting your data
When information is collected or processed your personal data is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation, which applies across the European Union (including the United Kingdom) and I am responsible as ‘controller’ or ‘processor’ of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.
The type of information collected includes:
Personal identifiers and biographical information, for example date of birth
Contact details – for example home address, email address and telephone number
Sensitive personal data – for example, details of why an individual seeks an assessment, details of a disability or specific learning difficulty, details of support a client/learner may have had in the past, assessment data, and notes written during and after support or assessment sessions or after other contact with client/learner
Dates of meetings held with a client/learner
Family Details – for example details of other family members with whom a client/learner or a client/learner’s school/college/workplace have given me consent to liaise with.
Why we collect this information
Information is collected to plan and provide an assessment or specialist support for an individual that the client has requested.
Who might we share this information with?
Once the assessment report is completed it will be emailed to the person who has requested the assessment. It will be password encrypted PDF document.
The assessment will not be shared with a third party without written permission from the person who has requested the assessment. Email threads will be deleted regarding information provided for the assessment.
It is unlikely, but may be necessary to share test papers with PATOSS as part of their Assessment Practicing Certificate Renewal Process.
All people working with children have a duty of care. This includes a legal requirement inform relevant authorities if they believe that a child is unsafe or being abused. In such an instance personal information will be shared as appropriate.
How collected data is stored and for how long
Test papers and accompanying information with responses safely in a secure place within Brentford Dyslexia premises. The final report will be stored electronically and this will be password encrypted. Test papers and accompanying information with responses safely in a secure place within Brentford Dyslexia premises. In light of the need to keep minimal information the final report will be stored electronically, password encrypted and kept for six years or until the individual is 24 years old. The test papers and accompanying information will safely disposed of following the assessment and completion of the report.
Accessing personal information
You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that is held about you. Email your request to Rachel Robinson at Note: Requests from clients/earners to delete data relating to an individual will be considered on a case by case basis but we may be unable to remove all assessment records for legal reasons.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
This policy was written on 23/09/2024 and will be reviewed as required according to legislation set out by the ICO.